DOS Sicilia Fruit and vegetables supply chain
Consortium for the Protection of Pachino Tomatoes PGI
The Consorzio di Tutela del Pomodoro di Pachino IGP is a non-profit organization recognized by the Ministry of Agricultural Policies with the mission of protecting the reputation on the markets
authentic Pachino tomato and defend it from countless commercial counterfeiting attempts, by means of appropriate legal actions, on a national scale and beyond.
It operates within the supply chain to guarantee an increasingly higher quality production of our product, starting from the control over our members and applying the Production Regulations.
It also works for the enhancement and promotion of our product according to the territory in which it is born, to disseminate the close link that exists between the organoleptic qualities.
We protect the product, who produces it and who consumes it.
We disclose its cultural, food and organoleptic characteristics; we promote the
close relationship that binds it to the production area.
We guarantee that the product bearing the quality mark has a certain geographical origin.
We take care of its traceability, and we work to ensure that our members adopt precise quality criteria in phase
of production. We carry out market surveillance to limit and combat illegal uses of the name "Pachino tomato" or the quality mark, which cause confusion and commercial damage to the protected product.
Consortium for the Protection of Pachino Tomatoes IGP
Via Milano, snc - Pachino (SR)
Tel: +39 0931 595106