Knowledge of the Protection of Provola dei Nebrodi PDO

Via V. Emanuele, 93
Floresta (ME)
Tel. 335 656 2064

Provola dei Nebrodi has obtained DOP recognition from the European Commission. The stretched curd, produced in the north of Sicily, was registered with the European Union on 23 September and is protected by the Provola dei Nebrodi cheese consortium. The process began in 2016, when a group of 25 entrepreneurs in the dairy sector, supported by 10 mayors, formed a consortium to create a body to support the recognition of the product in the European Union. The number of Italian specialties protected by the designation of origin thus rises to 306.

Product data sheet

Provola dei Nebrodi DOP is a stretched curd cow milk cheese. It is produced in the Fresh, Semi-seasoned, Seasoned, Puff and Green Lemon types.

The production area of Provola dei Nebrodi DOP includes some municipalities in the provinces of Catania, Enna, Messina, in the Sicily region.

Raw whole cow milk from one or two milkings must be coagulated at a temperature of about 36 ° C. The next day, the evening milk, suitably filtered and stored, is heated up to a temperature of 37-38 ° C and combined with that of the morning milking. The coagulation of the milk takes place in the wooden vat by adding kid or lamb rennet paste. We then proceed with the breaking of the curd with the rotula, which reduces it to the size of a grain of rice. After blanching in hot water, between 65 and 70 ° C, the curd is left to rest on the board and covered with a linen or cotton cloth. For the spinning process, the slices of curd are placed in ;piddiaturi” low wooden containers (h 40-60 cm) with a truncated cone shape, and then covered with boiling scotta. With the help of the “manuvedda”, the fusion of the slices begins to obtain a homogeneous cheesy mass with a spherical shape (large ball). At the end of the spinning process, the cheesemaker shapes the “pear-shaped” pasta, using the ancient manual technique of “ncuppatina”, and seals the provolone by welding it in boiling whey. Subsequently, it is immersed in cold water and then in brine for a whole day. Finally, for aging, they are hung from the neck, with a cord in natural fibers, in pairs “pennule”, astride a pole and / or supporting axis.

On the outside, Provola dei Nebrodi PDO has a smooth, thin crust, free of folds, of a cream color tending to yellow – golden, with a height from the oblong side of 15 to 35 cm and a diameter of 12 to 25 cm . The Fresca type weighs between 1 and 2 kg and has the classic pear shape, with or without head. Inside it is characterized by an ivory-white paste and a slightly acidic sweet taste. The weight of the other types varies from 2 to 10 kg, oval-shaped with a short neck that widens at the top, with or without head. As the seasoning increases, the flavor becomes more and more spicy and the color varies from yellow to amber. The pasta can have the classic flaky flaking, so much so that it is defined as the Provola dei Nebrodi Sfoglia. The type with Green Lemon maintains a softer structure, albeit tending to semi-hard, due to the slow release of moisture from the lemon incorporated into the paste.

Excellent consumed as a table cheese or aged grated. However, it is used as an ingredient for the preparation of dishes. Tradition has it “argentiera”, that is, sautéed in a pan with garlic, anchovies and a little vinegar. Recommended pairing with Etna white wines, medium-bodied red wines, or in the case of provola with more advanced maturation, Marsala or a Passito di Pantelleria.

Provola dei Nebrodi DOP is the only Sicilian provola that is aged for so long, with a seasoning process that has been handed down for generations; in fact, a determining factor in defining the quality of the final product is the experience and know-how of the dairy.